Slang for "fatherless", or to grow up without a dad
Women are as bad as a joke as a furry, because no one is laughing. Women aren't funny.
Veedster, AKA Victor Don Butler The Third
hey seth, why is victor hiding in his basement? well he's a furry, i guess./
Ένα furry είναι ένας φανταστικός χαρακτήρας ζώου που έχει ανθρώπινα χαρακτηριστικά, όπως να περπάει στα δύο πόδια ή να μιλάει.
Τα άτομα που τους αρέσουν τα έργα τέχνης τα οποία απεικονίζουν ανθρωπόμορφα ζώα (furries) ονομάζονται επίσης furries, και μαζί φτιάχνουν το furry fandom. Μια άλλη λέξη για τα furries είναι η λέξη "ανθρωπόμορφα".
παράδειγμα: Θες να δεις τον καινούριο χαρακτήρα furry που σχεδίασα; Είναι ένας αρσενικός λύκος και τον ονόμασα Neo.
A “Furry” appears to be a human who enjoys content surrounding anthropomorphic animals, often indulging in in this interest in different ways, such as making a “fursona”, buying a “fursuit”, and more.
It is a very harmless hobby, however, some humans appear to view “furries” as inferior beings that only do it as a fetish and have sexual attractions to Earth animals that are not humans.
“Humans are incredibly horrifying yet fascinating, threatening each other with violence over as little as someone being a “furry”, quite barbaric if I do say so myself.” -Ąkrøl, Esteemed Researcher of the Ġort-IV Galaxy.
Destroyed word of fur if your dog or cat has alot of fur, now it's just a word to say fatherless .
''Hey look at that ''fatherless'' ''furry''!''