Source Code

take dat l

Toxicity on Hypixel:
When someone dies, wait for the killer that have killed he to die,when the killer lose,the player says Take dat L.

FUCK YOU!Take dat L.
Take dat L Noob.

by zCri07tecH_ September 12, 2017


L stands for Losing. When you hand out L's to other people, for example in a game, means you fucked them.

I handed out some L's in yesterday's Mario Kart session.

Fuck! This guy gave me just L's, I hope I can win one day against him.

by Jizzy McDonald December 7, 2017


The character that tries to figure out who Kira is in the Death Note anime series

Kira: I’m way too smart for L

by Sweet Poison~ July 30, 2018


It's u, u GÆ fuck

"Ha L."

by txxhot May 11, 2020




by janpasi August 21, 2022


names that start with L are actually gay

L: My name starts with L
idk: wtf gay

by shuyamino May 17, 2022


toxic word in roblox and roblox will ban if they say l because l is no good and bully ok

toxic person: L
roblox: ban

by you are an idiot hahaha August 26, 2020