When you're really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really bored
you: wow i'm bored
you also: '"1!2@3#4$5%6¨7&8*9(0)qwertyuiop´`{asdfghjklç~^}\|zxcvbnm,<.>;:/?¹²³£¢¬§ªº°
On you're 6 means "I'm behind you" as in for coverage
Lt.Max "I'm on you're 6" 1st class mat "Tap my arm when ready"
6 desember is national put "kick me" poster on someone and then kick them
your friend: hey, why did you kick me?
you: it is a poster on your back, and it is 6. desember
It takes 3 to 6 foot pounds to pull a trigger.
Those two guys were arguing and the one guy did a 3-6 solution...
A global diaster than happened on 6/27 in cowbelly's discord server discord.gg/R7buVE7
somesay 6/27 is the biggest disaster in history.
User1: hey dude what happened to cowbelly's server?
User2: it was 6/27!
National give sunsia a gift day.
Its 6/21 so give sunsia a gift.