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Brandon Russell

Someone that claims they enjoy being in the friend zone but secretly hates it

Thomas claims to be a Brandon russell, but I can tell that he’s in love with her

by LittleKidLover101 March 22, 2019

a brandon

Doing a brandon comes down to one of 2 scenarios 1. being too soft to partake in anything which may raise your heart rate sightly. Or 2. Being a selfish lazy cunt that is unable to enjoy new things or the outdoors.

Might do a brandon tonight and stay in all night.

by Alibaba2k21 February 23, 2021

Brandon Handshake

When you go to shake your buddy's hand but he completely bypasses your open hand and grabs your genitals instead.

It had been so long since we'd seen each other. I genuinely thought Tim was just coming in to meet my outstretched hand, but then he fooled me and gave me the ol' Brandon Handshake instead.

by GreenSquirrel December 20, 2024

Brandon Handshake

When you go to shake your buddy's hand but he completely bypasses your open hand and grabs your genitals instead.

It had been so long since we'd seen each other. I genuinely thought Tim was just coming in to meet my outstretched hand, but then he fooled me and gave me the ol' Brandon Handshake instead.

by GreenSquirrel December 20, 2024

Brandon Handshake

When you go to shake your buddy's hand but he completely bypasses your open hand and grabs your genitals instead.

It had been so long since we'd seen each other. I genuinely thought Tim was just coming in to meet my outstretched hand, but then he fooled me and gave me the ol' Brandon Handshake instead.

by GreenSquirrel December 20, 2024

John Brandon

John Brandon is probably the best man you’ll ever meet. There’s nothing he cannot do. He has upstanding moral character, is strong, handsome, and the kind of boy you bring home to meet your mother. He has a huge heart. He is also notorious for having fun and always knows how to have a good time. He makes the best of any situation he’s in. John Brandons are usually successful individuals, but build their lives to serve others. John Brandon’s life is one big adventure. A true high value man. If you have a John Brandon in your life there’s no doubt he’s made a positive impact. A difference maker, an athlete, an artist, a romantic, a dreamer, a go-getter, are all appropriate ways to describe John Brandon. John Brandon is charismatic and befriends all. He’s very caring and genuinely wants the best for the people around him and will do his best to foster that. He is also very emotionally intelligent, but prone to deep sadness that is masked with a smile. He loves is friends and is fiercely loyal, sometimes to a fault. Although he’s successful he’s not the best at taking care of himself and will often forego his basic needs in pursuit of a goal or adventure. You will never be bored around John Brandon. Although he may seem extraordinarily innocent and tame at first, once you get to know him you’ll learn about his wild nature and risk-taking tendencies. You will tell your kids stores about John Brandon.

Stranger 1: “what’s John Brandon doing these days?”

Stranger 2: “John Brandon’s always into some goodness.”

Stranger 3: “That guy loves Jesus.”

by Hoistupthe102 April 25, 2022

Brandon Sydney

The gayest wanna be black prep in the world. A very deep in the closet guy.

'Oh look! It's Chode!'


by ghfjghjghjghjgjghjghjghjghj September 14, 2008