Going"dope dutch" is similar to a Dutch date, where both parties pay for their own meal, rather than one person paying for everything. Dope Dutch means you have your dope, they have theirs.
Known Dope Chaser: "Let's hang out".
Known Dope Haver: "Sure, we can do that, but we'll be going DOPE DUTCH".
Chaser replies: "Of course, duuuh", but inside they're all "😬😕😔☹️"
The most ooga booga caveman language to exist.
Inbetween the line of English and German, it's been called "A drunk German trying to speak English"
You can someone understand it but not really.
"geef me een klap papa"
"bro the Dutch language be goofy ahh hell 😭😭"
When you fart in someone’s hoody and throw there hood up and tie it
When someone takes a draw of a vape, then blows the smoke into a vagina/asshole. The vagina/asshole then queefs or farts back into the recipients mouth
The girls and I had a sleepover last night and spent the whole time in a reverse Dutch Oven train.
When you are in bed, waiting forever for your partner to get in with you. Exasperated, you give up and fart as they finally approach, then pull down the covers so that they get a little token of your appreciation for having to wait so long
I waited twenty minutes for her to come to bed. Now she’s going to get a reverse Dutch oven!
Long ass nails on your thumb used for cracking open a dutch.
During a smoke session, Peter forgot his blade, so he used his dutch crackers to gut that bitch.
A dutch hoe is a person who likes to get with a lot of people sexually, but cannot get any.
Derived from the true definitions of a dutch hoe, being, “a hoe that is used for pushing rather than pulling”
a dutch hoe is a hoe that cannot not pull
est 2024 Benjamin Stewart
Trey: “Man, Aidan is always tryna get with women, he’s such a hoe”
Ben: “Yeah too bad he’s dutch”
Jerry: “You’re such a dutch hoe, just learn how to talk to girls!”