What time is it? Thanks for waking me up, I just saw that the sky is green.
When your sack of weed becomes so infinitesimal that the weight of the weed no longer aids in the unrolling of the bag it's stored in.
Man, I'm in a state of gloomy green...I gotta pick up another sack, stat!
When you smoke so much weed that those little thoughts in the back of your head that are kind of anxiety inducing come straight to the front of your head like a goddamn bus like it'll have you be in paranoid of every little thing or you'll get so high that you don't feel well or you'll get so faded that you just pass the fuck out
Ex: yo, I took way too many hits off the pipe bro. I don't feel very good I think I'm greening out *passes out*
Some stupid pretentious niger with a 2 centimeter yellow jondas penis
Wow that fucker sure is a nlgger thomas green
A very funny girl that is not very good at sports but thinks she is.
Kylie Greene sucks at basketball but she thinks she is so good