Notch Break is an synonym for masturbation.
It was first created after Notch (creator of Minecraft) tweeted about how depressed he was.
Guy 1: Have you read Notch's tweet about how depressed he is? He is a real wanker.
Guy 2: Well whatever I'll make a quick Notch Break now.
Guy 1: Eww, I don't want to know if you jack off.
The phenomenon where you pee for the first time on a night out, and after which you need to pee every 15 minutes.
"Man, I broke the barrel too early, I've been going to the bathroom all night"
"Don't go yet, you don't want to Break the Barrel too early"
Selling illegal drugs to make money
People that cook meth are breaking bag
Breaking ,polluting, the natural air with your own gas from your ass
It really stinks !,it was ma ass breaking wind.
Corporate slang for you need a sh*t
Damn, last night’s pizza didn’t go down very well, hey boss I’m going on a comfort break!
a word created by a cool idiot
“woah man look at that girllll, hope i see her in sumbber break!”
according to my mom, Winter Break is tons of random math questions, learning a new language, and chores every day
Winter Break is not meant for you to lounge around and do nothing, it is a vacation, which means you must do every chore I do and complete 10 pages of this random math textbook I bought from Costco