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Hank the asphyxi wank

The name given to people guilty of carrying out the act of having a wank while asphyxiating one's self!

Sam caught Andy having a asphyxi wank...

Sam shouted "OMG Andy you're having and asphyxi wank, from now on I'm gonna call you Hank the asphyxi wank!!"

by Dextro tablet March 26, 2010

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Uber Wank

A bunch of raggle toothed, dick skinning, moon unit lovers who seem to get pleasure from watching an old hag who likes being German goggled from multiple angles & distances wave from her castle once a year. They are a strange race & idolise people like, Alan Hanson & Gordon Brown. These 2 turn coat sons of brown octobers wish they where English as one runs England while the other doesnt shut up about it.

Sinj Maheed: Hey You Guy, Me Going Shoot You Yeah!
Tony Blair: Why?
Sinj Maheed: Cause Your An "Uber Wank"!

by T-Zone November 12, 2007

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Irish Wank

A feisty wank with the erect penis smothered in Baileys Irish Cream.

Harvey: I swear I heard Sean having an Irish wank last night.

by EeePc May 15, 2011

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Cheeky Bum Wank

A Cheeky Bum Wank is when a man slides a finger or a couple of fingers up another man's ass whilst having a wank in a public place. Usually in, but not limited to, public toilets.

Lee and Buck have gone to the toilet for a Cheeky Bum Wank

by CheezeEGGSTREEME November 13, 2018

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personal wank bank

personally public wanking off to a girl/guy after seeing them or rubbing/ contact with them (non sexually or sexually) could be a random person accidentally touched you.

*personally wanks off to a girl they see or accidentally touch*
for example (fake names: johnbeaopt, ladypoof)
lady: *accidentally rubs her body on johns*
john: " oh shit, i'm going to put her in my personal wank bank and jerk off to her soon!"
*does it in public, not at home"

by LightMarks August 15, 2017

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Big Daddy Wank

A cocaine and Adderall fueled alcoholic gambling addict with a predilection for Chinese prostitutes and Viagara.

God, I pulled such a Big Daddy Wank last night. I hit Mega Millions, bought 5,000 pounds of cocaine and lost the rest on $500,000 coin flips. I think my heart just exploded.

by BDW apostate May 12, 2006

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Wank-up Call

The act of masturbating before contacting a questionable person

I was going to tell my ex I wanted her back, but then I had a wank-up call.

by Electronicks February 14, 2017

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