Where you have a big ass penis and can tell he has one
Damn John you def packing a wagon
When you get a box in the mail you open it up and there is packing peanuts inside it is another way to keep your purchase from breaking during shipping like bubble wrap or foam they look good to eat it’s tempting… they look like marshmallows and usually come in colors such as pink white or blue….I’m hungry
Hey look she just got a package in the mail!…what is she doing with the packing peanuts? OMG THOSE ARE TOXIC SOMEONE CALL 911!
smokin a … pack is where you beat someone or excel at someone in a game or life. you insert a persons name within the phrase to show that you are better than them. it could also mean you killed a person.
“she smoking that von pack right now”
smokin a … pack
The reefy reefy yum yum that the brothers scoob and shag get toasted and roasted. Aka the funny clover 300.
“Like scoob! Pass the Scooby-doo pack, man”
A way to welcome back someone after he or she has been packing.
Be right back I go pack my bags.
You: Welcome packed!
titties that dis formed, unshaped, uneven and coned shaped.
yo that chick has a quacky pack! I think I just backed
Overnight bag stocked with essentials for an overnight play date.
Ohhh you want me to come over? Bet, let me grab my pack-n-play.