Source Code

Rusty Fish Hook

When having sex in the doggy style position, you pop your index finger in the brown hole, then pull it out and insert into the receivers mouth. Very similar to the "Fish Hook" which is the same thing without the "rust".

So last night i was with this girl i met at a bar. One thing led to another and we ended up doggy style at her place! I thought hey, Fish Hook!! But the finger is rusty? So i did it anyway. Hence Rusty Fish Hook!!

by K&B INC November 19, 2009

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rusty french horn

the woman is lying on top of the man with buttox and vagina exposed and elevated. the man places left hand around womans leg, reaching clitoris with fingers, and stimulating thereafter. with right hand, he inserts however many fingers are necessary to reach maximum pleasure, while simultaneously rimming her anus. (ex. female version of the rusty trombone)

Bill gave me a rusty french horn, but I had some dingleberries that obstructed the air passage, so his tone was heavily affected.

by Graceblaine StanQuinn March 20, 2006

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Rusty Sherriffs badge

A rusty sherriffs badge is a phrase used for a bum hole. But especially porn stars Rusty sherriffs badge's are well worn hence rusty. This phrase is often used in the Sunday Sport when people are describing a porno they have watched.

My girlfriend was on Jam Week so i had to take here up the rusty sherriffs badge

by Richy November 13, 2003

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Rusty Smoothie

A sexual maneuver involving the prior eating of cayenne pepper and laxative laden foods, in order to release the bowels into a suspecting sexual partner's face.

"Boris, will you give me a Rusty Smoothie later?"
"Sure dollface, I'll 'heat up the blender'."

by TheAngryBurger February 4, 2010

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rusty omlette

After performing the act of a Belgian Breakfast, the filthy bitch then shits out the contents of her arse in to a frying pan and the subsequent contents are fried into a rusty omlette.

After Mike made his Belgian Breakfast in Ricci's arse, Ricci felt a bit peckish so he emptied his rectal contents into a pan and cooked up his favourite Rusty Omlette. Yummy!

by Joby 1973 July 20, 2008

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Rusty Bones

a slang word for uncool.

sleepin with my girl friend is totally rusty bones.

by peter bachman March 25, 2008

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Russian Rusty Bellows

1. when a person places their mouth over a different person's asshole and inhales a fart, then places their mouth on another person's mouth, and then exhales the fart into the other person's mouth.

Origin: Russia, where bodily gases are commonly used to preserve heat or savor flavor.

1. I became excited, and was no longer hungry, after he gave me the Russian Rusty Bellows.

by MSST October 29, 2010

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