Generally nice to people until you insult, make fun of, or disagree with her. Then she will beat you to death with nearest blunt object. Also really enjoys the cat in the hat movie for some reason.
Sarah from the Voices In Your Head Podcast
probably a fat hoe who will try to flirt with your boyfriend and get blocked bc nobody wants her <3
“omg is that Sarah? why is she here?”
“idk man, nobody invited her. we all think she smells like fish.”
Sarah is almost always in the place to be. An excellent friend and drinking partner. Life o’the party. Energetic and charismatic. A really swell person. You can usually find said Sarah drinking Jack Daniels and shopping for unnecessary things. They are also the most curious of sorts, and can absorb information like a sponge. Everybody needs an SLB in their place to be.
A Sarah is a person who is outgoing beautiful bubbly person who you cant get enough of and never will she can be the nicest person you will ever meet but do her wrong or friends family and significant other wrong and you will regret it and can never take it back a Sarah loves standing out and does not care what others think she will speak her mind and never i mean never leave you when you need her the most Sarah's come in all shapes in sizes short,tall,skinny,plumpy,thick,thin,brown,blonde ect but watch out for the short Sarah's they are known to be feisty with a attitude but can be very loving and by the way Sarah's are know to have amazing assess and small boobs.
Girl: Dang I wish I could stand out like Sarah
Other Girl: Yea me to shes beautiful and doesn't care about what people think about her.
Someone with 2 lazy eyes and always ALWAYS says "Babe Look me in my EYES" while she is looking 2 different ways at the sametime and is usually fat
A: Yo B its your girlfriend Sarah
B: Hey Sarah