People who make complete asses of themselves, they lack in basic manners and respect for other people, making everything in life unfun (censoring anything of course), saying you or anyone who's got the wrong thinking is a bigot (any different opinions to them all because you are being an individual thinker), they believe they are making the world a better place by harassing/bullying people & still think they are good people in everything they do! (but not really)
An individual who believes themselves to be woke, however are oblivious to the fact that they are not conscious of their own inherent biases that are leading them.
John Smith thinks they are socially woke, but they appear to be a social justice sleepwalker.
Were you have a group of friends who are very socially awkward, and they never speak.
Someone who is very antisocial.
"Wow, she's so socially awkward, she should so be apart of the socially awkward gang!"
All rights and reserved the original owners of AntiSocial™
Somebody who abuses social media to promote their own agenda.
That Social Media Douchebag is asking everyone for reciprocal follows.
A person who does not react, post or comment on social media at all/often although he or she has a social media account so wtf....
Jhonny: wtf Bob! you never react to my memes.
Bob: sorry man, I laughed tho. I'm just social media dumb
Also known as SJWs, Social Jobbery Warrior are sanctimonious crybullies who routinely ruin anything fun and get talented scientists fired or crying on public television
SideNote: jobbery means "practice of using a public office or position of trust for one's own gain or advantage."
- Hey, did you see Mercedes Carrera was denied her guest spot on the SXSW panel because she upset an SJW?
- Yeah, those Social Jobbery Warriors get special treatment when they claim harassment, yet tell people to "go burn in a fire" on a daily basis
A person who you request a nonliteral "hit" from, in which the hitman/hitwoman goes on a person's social media and bullies them, hurts them, just because the requesting party doesn't like them or the victim has hurt them. Social media hitmen can also go after people with no request. If you have social media you should watch what you do in real life and post because these people are always on the prowl. They will catfish to be somebody they are not, or make a spam account such as "39389383983403943" and various other names.
Given the circumstances, John sent a social media hitman after me. They were sure bad for me to figure out who it was from.