Jacob is the gayest nigga your ever gonna meet. He’s gay asf and sucks hobo dick in the back alley next to his mom. He’s a big head ass Nigga and if your friends with him, kys.
Squidward: Hey it’s that gay emo nigga Jacob
Jacob a nice, fun, sweet and beautiful person. Someone that you can trust and is there for you. He is crazy talented and a hard worker. If you meet a Jacob make sure you become friends and stay friends!! He is patient and put's up with all your weird jokes and dumb comment. He is amazing and someone you should keep close innit bruv!!
a guy who will not let u win in cup pong darts and anything else on i message games. he is also scared of bombs.
jacob is so cool
a cowboy
Girl: Do you see that guy with the cowboy hat??
Other Girl: That's a Jacob
A stupid bitch-ass person. Someone who suffers from a lack of bitches and father figures.
Person 1: Did you meet the new kid?
Person 2: Jacob? Yeah. They're so ugly.
A man who plays the worst games known to man
Look it's Jacob playing those shitty games
A man who plays the worst games known to man
Look it's Jacob playing those shitty games