When you get shitted on in a game scream the said word
Damn I fukin dies Kanye west's right nigga biscuit balls
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A saying, usually said at the end of a movie or performance, that basically means that you liked it a little bit, but it wasn't perfect.
I put left thumb up, right thumb down for that movie.
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A sentence said when you have either emasculated the person's lack of intelligence or have proved him or her wrong. That person in turn, once their intelligence is challenged to the depths of shitville, will pull the "Yeh that's right, I'm smarter than you!" when they attempt to prove you wrong in another fact of god knows what.
When the fucktard looses in an argument against someone, they will then be stumbled on that argument, thinking "fuck..I lost the game". They will then question you with an argument of something that is probably useless fucking knowledge to anybody.
Your computer has low RAM, your computer is slow as fuck and cannot run all that shit you have on your harddrive.
Yes it can, I just go delete my internet history and cache! Yeh that's right, I'm smarter than you!
2+2+2+2+2+2-2 x 0 isn't 0, if you knew about BEDMAS, you would know the order of operation of multiplication which would come first before addition or subtraction.
Oh yeh?!? Well my built-in calculator on my Windows 7 laptop says you are full of shit! Yeh that's right, I'm smarter than you!
(Police Officer) "Sir you were going way above the speed limit, I'm gonna have to impound your vehicle and take away your license"
Are you shitting me? My speedometer says otherwise asshole. Yeh that's right, I'm smarter than you! (gets head cracked open and cuffs smashed onto the skinny wrists)
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Right Behind You by Valve Studios Orchestra is a part of the Team Fortress 2 OST and is used towards the end of the Meet the Spy promotional video. It is a relatively simple song that progressively builds up fear and/or suspense as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds-Wait this was about Right Behind You by Valve Studios Orchestra, not the FitnessGram Pacer Test. Anyway, let's get back to the point.
Ahem. Gentlemen.
I see the briefcase is safe.
Safe and sound, mmhmm!
Yeah, it is!
Tell me, did anyone happen to kill a RED Spy on the way here? No? Then we still have a problem.
...And a knife!
Ooh, big problem. I've killed plenty of Spies. They're dime-a-dozen backstabbing scumbags, like you! Ow! No offense.
If you managed to kill them, I assure you that they were not like me. And nothing, nothing like the man loose inside this building.
What're you, president of his fan club?
No... That would be your mother!
What the-
*Right Behind You by Valve Studios Orchestra intensifies*
Indeed, and now he's here to f**k us! So listen up, boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing that happens to you today.
This Spy has already breached our defenses...
Sentry down!
You've seen what he's done to our colleagues!
And worst of all, he could be any one of us...
Raus, raus! (gasp) Nein.
He could even be in this very room. He could be you. He could be me. He could even b-
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
What? It was obvious! He's the RED Spy! Watch, he'll turn red any second now. Annnny second... See? Red! Oh wait, that's blood.
So we still got problem...
Big problem...
So, who's ready to go find this Spy?
Right behind you.
(Team Fortress 2 ending flourish plays, with stabs punctuating the beat)
*Petite Chou-Fleur by Valve Studios Orchestra plays*
Ah, ma petite chou-fleur.
(RED Spy walks away with BLU team's intelligence in tow; fade to black)
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give me this fish right here cuh
i want me this fish cuh
put it on a scale cuh
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Many people get confused with the abbreviation and acronym of Be Right Back. The correct term is it is an abbreviation of BRB.
what is the abbreviation for be right back BRB
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Revenge is not the answer to all of your problems.
Whether or not the saying "Two wrongs don't make a right" is morally correct has been heavily disputed to this day.
For the most part, the saying has been demonized due to it being used as a quick comeback for when an asshole who just got what he deserved cannot think of anything better to say. Think of The Golden Rule: "Treat others the way you wish to be treated."
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