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Trans woman

A biological woman who was born a woman, isn't fooling anyone when she says she's a man, and who will die a woman. A trans woman, AKA a woman.

Guy 1: that trans woman tried to use the men's bathroom but we kicked her out.

Guy 2: trans women shouldn't be in our bathrooms or in men's sports! Trans women aren't men and will always be women!

by we_dont_exist December 27, 2023

1👍 9👎

Trans woman

One who has been assigned male at birth upon observation of typically-male natal morphological sex characteristics, but ultimately identifies or realizes themselves as a woman in terms of gender.

Guy 1: What's Luke up to these days? Is he still around?
Guy 2: Oh, Luke goes by Lillith now. She came out as a trans woman a while back.
Guy 1: Oh, I see. Anyways, how is uh, she doing?
Guy 2: I heard she got an air fryer recently or something.

by Derp Le Femme January 8, 2025

app woman

21st Century pc neologism for a call girl

The app woman who showed up at my place looked just like her profile picture in her "personal services" ad. I was so excited.

by Unkie Mark June 11, 2019

dervish woman

A dervish woman is a woman who is dhulbahante

she's a dervish woman!

by readyforthemoon55 September 6, 2020

dervish woman

a dervish woman is a woman who is dhulbahante

she's a dervish woman

by khatumo October 30, 2020

Hottest Anime Woman

Reigen Arataka

Reigen Arataka is the hottest anime woman, according to the polls posted by @genicecream on twitter.

by nNoav December 8, 2022


The quick glance, when looking for an item, a female significant other makes when her husband has asked her to look for something that she deems unimportant or just, would rather, not have it found.

"She totally did a woman-look when I asked her to pick up my game. It was right where i said it would be!"

by Silkenthread August 24, 2018