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Weed Dweeb

A person whom partakes in the usage of marijuana meanwhile neglecting their responsibilities

Ur acting like a real F-ing Weed Dweeb rn. Go get ur shit done.

by Sillylittlefoo September 7, 2022

Ignoriance of the weed

Stonerfication of "Ignorance," but includes an active, willful element as pertains to non use of marijuana.
Often a playful, chiding reprimand intended to provoke immediate inhalation of marijuana smoke.

Katie: "I charge you with ignoriance of the weed!"
Lisa: "I refute it thus:" *Takes a toke* *Blows the smoke*

by k80theshade February 18, 2025

national weed day

we’re replacing rape day, and making it happy

rape day sucks, so weed day instead. national weed day is for all the stoners out there. it’s ok april 24th

by impowster April 19, 2021

national weed day

it’s a day for the stoners

april 24th is national weed day bitches

by April 19, 2021


a weed wacker is a person that is a hoe. The common garden tool: hoe, is a tool that is commonly used to “wack” weeds.

A weed wacker is a hoe who hits on many guys/girls.

That girl sophie is such a weed wacker! I can’t believe her!

by thatsnotit March 8, 2019

Weed Wacker

A person who gets high, then masterbates.

Watch out for that kid, he’s a registered Weed Wacker.

by Eauxwen February 3, 2022


Racial slur for Hispanics, due to the fact that they stereotypically work on gardening.

shut the fuck up, Weed-Wacker, go back over the border

by Mexicanboy88 August 24, 2022