A person or group of people who feel the need to point out thots wherever they see them. Often thots themselves.
Here comes the Thot Patrol, put on a jacket.
A two faced bitch who is an art major.
Oh my god, Eliza was such a panty thot today.
Act of hoe shit for countless hours
Summers coming up its binge thotting season
Being a thot for countless hours
Summers coming up so its binge thotting season
This is when a woman whom has kids with another man wants to wait until marriage before ever having sex ever again with her successors.
Look at this fuck-shit meme, it says "I am a single mother with two kids. However, I will wait 'til marriage to have sex again." TF?!?!! Is this some T.D.C. (Thot Damage Control) and shit?!?
A person who knows they're a thot, embraces it, and advertises it. It's a meta, self referential phrase.
Tammy, that thot over there, has set up a full website to sell... 'services'.
When a thot crosses her arms when walking to puff out her chest and expose her breasts. Usually most girls do this around mating season to lure in curious fuckboys. Seemingly always occurs on a campus or highschool.
Person1: Hey, person2! It must be mating season again. I counted about 16 girls who thot walked today.
Person2: Ah, that’s nothing, mating season usually comes around when 30 or 40 girls start thot walking.