when ur a thot and someone wants you to be gone. so...
bEgOne tHOt
1: Honestly.. you suck.
(Variant of "Thot Begone!")
Invocation used to dispell a thot from the caster's plane of mortal experience. Similar to the Fifth Level spell 'Dispell Evil' or the Clerical 'Turn Undead' ability.
Male casters with a CHA(D) score of 16 or higher have an increased chance of successfully dispelling a Thot. This is a risky spell for males with a CHA(D) score of 12 or lower to cast as their "incel" status carries a significant risk of a failed intimidation check and suffering debilitating effects like becoming enraged, standing confused, fleeing in terror, or going beserk.
High Level Thots with multiple streams of social media income may be completely immune to the 'Thot Begone!' spell, even with a male with a CHA(D) score of 18 or higher.
If Thot initiates the social interaction with a snide snarky remark then a penalty is applied and the male caster who passes their intimidation check, regardless of CHA(D) score, can deliver a devastating verbal riposte by virtue of the moral authority that derives from being subjected to injustice. There is no saving throw.
Office Thot: "Hi. Are you going to the Christmas party?"
Low Status Male: "No, I actually have some family business to take care of."
Office Thot: "Well that's not much of an excuse." <+2 bonus to ego>
Low Status Male: <intimidation check passed> "It's not an excuse, it's a reason. And attendance is voluntary." (aka Begone Thot!)
Office Thot: <stunned & bewildered silence at unexpected Chad-like response. Stands still like a statue and body does an odd jerking motion like a goldfish was swallowed>
When a woman/man has a ring of bruises around his/her neck
-did you see her neck?
-Yeah, must've got that thot necklace from her bf!
A Thot hunter is Someone that hunt thot everydays without stop and never sleep Because God is dead XDD
Warning thot a lot of thot hunter are here Don't Get Spotted
When you clap the fuck out of a thots cheeks.
Yo nigga I’m about to thot clap this bitch.