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A guy who doesn't know what he wants and doesn't appreciate what he has.

"Kyle told me I'm so special to him, but then went on Tinder in front of me"

by CarmenRyan February 26, 2023


a normal guy. really good at math. likes to hang upside down. (aka spider-man)

i like kyle! he’s so normal!”

by anormalguy123 November 29, 2022


A fat slimey slob who wears gigantic clothing and gets rejected by all the huzz. He has a big heart and a eaqually big forehead. His shoes are the size of bigfoots feet and he thinks he is a cool guy. He is also a rapist and a guy who does incest. He wishes he was as cool as his friends but isn’t. He is very ugly some may say he is “hideous” “fugly” a woman also said that he looked ai generated when he tried to get her number.

Omg look Billy that black bastards a Kyle

Sydney watch out Kyle is coming to get you

Leslie is such a kyle

by Killlbill23 January 4, 2025


A tall, handsome, blonde surfer who loves nothing more than making his girlfriend happy. He can’t get enough of her, and makes many sacrifices just to see her. He is very kind, but needs to focus on God first, before everything else.

Person 1: Who’s that blonde fella over there?
Person 2: Oh, that’s Kyle

by accurate describer November 21, 2021


A dude who is constantly getting yelled at by his girlfriend


by Rozebud 83 March 5, 2022


He's the most humble and amazing person you'll ever meet. Smart, charming, handsome, humorous, the list goes on! A boyfriend material kind of guy<33. His humour and wit will make you fall for him hard. Empathetic and understanding, he cares for you and would never do anything to hurt you. He would go above and beyond to make sure that you feel loved- never let go of a guy like Kyle.

Although, he makes horrible jokes. It's okay tho, it makes you laugh. It's like his secret weapon to make you smile when you're crying.

He is your red, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple. He is every color in the color spectrum. As cheesy as this may sound, he does bring color to your life- and to everyone who surrounds him.

"I love my boyfriend so much, it hurts. He's just so amazing and I want him to have the world. He makes me so happy and our relationship is so healthy."

"is his name Kyle?"

"yeah, how'd you know?"

by gagoputanginalobkosikyle August 14, 2021


A young loyal Sunderland fan

Handsome and always up for a challenge

speaks in UPPERCASE

Kyle was shouting"LUKE O'NIEN IS SO LENG"

by KY1EH January 22, 2023