Source Code


The MSN/Windows Live Emoticsons for Kiss (K), Heart (L), and Rose (R), whcih are is a Combo ow how much you love them for "Cyber-Daters"

Kelly: Hey babe im going to bed (K)(L)(R)

Jon: Goodnight darling, (K)(L)(R). See you tomorrow

by KekeL January 1, 2009

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King K. Rool

The Kong Family's true nemesis in the Donkey Kong series. He's a giant kremling (crocodile) that enjoys stealing Donkey Kong's Banana Hoard, or kidnapping Donkey or Diddy themselves. He has been known to take on different personas, whether it be a boxer, a pirate, a mad scientist or regular kingly attire. He is also thought to be mentally unstable, which can further be proven by his mannerisms in Donkey Kong 64 and his large, very noticeable bloodshot eye.

DK: Oh, no! King K. Rool stole my Banana Hoard again!

by KNUP December 23, 2014

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Special K Challenge

1. (noun) A two week diet -centered primarily around Special K products- created by the Kellogg NA Company. Often the target of misguided speculation by psycho hosebeasts.

2. (noun) Any problem you have when dealing with a person with the nickname "Special K."

3. (noun) Taking three hits of Ketamine then walking to a door, opening it and saying your full name wholly and completely.

1. A few idiots boycotted all Kelloggs products after that 'blogger misrepresented the terms of the Special K Challenge.

2. My Special K Challenge is trying to act like I'm interested when he tells me who is, and who is not, Jewish.

3. Christine was doing fine in the Special K Challenge until she decided the doorknob she was turning was actually a donut and tried to eat it.

by b1-66er February 7, 2011

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201(k) plan

When the retirement savings in your 401(k) loses half its value due to the current economic crisis.

I thought I had a 401(k) plan, but after I saw my quarterly statement, I realize that I now only have a 201(k) plan.

by Ara90026 November 24, 2008

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1.How people feel whenever they see Britney and K-Fed in a picture in a magazine or on television, or another of Kevin's sad attempts at generating an income.

2.How Britney Spears feels about her husband's antics.

1.I am k-fed-UP of those two! To Britney and Kevin: GO AWAY!!!!!

2.K-Fed was seen partying with yet another skank. Britney must be k-fed-up!

by Mona Lott February 28, 2006

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triple k mafia

A slang term for the Ku Klux Klan, used by moonman and other racists

I heard the triple K mafia lynched another man of color
Uh oh

by AKinkyDane December 15, 2016

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An act of texting meant to piss people off

Him: Baby I didn't mean to fall asleep on you

Her: K
Him: I'm being serious?
Her: K
Him: Stop K-ing me!!

by AAMC September 21, 2014

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