to offer up your house for a party or social gathering
Friend 1: Are you going to put house this weekend for Halloween?
Friend 2: Nah my parents don’t let me throw parties at our house.
To allow for the insertion or permission of something.
Jeff wants to park in Brian's spot, so Brian did him a favor and let put.
Brian did too much coke, he let put too much.
Alice didn't want to let put with Brian but he drugged her and let put anyways.
When you are at the bar trying to pick up.
Based on the (FCP) Full Court Press in basketball.
If they go to the dance floor... you go to the dance floor. If they go to the bar... you go to the bar. If they go to the wait outside the washroom. In theory, if you're the only person they've seen all night, you are their only option at the end of the night.
I'm putting on the press tonight.
Last night she was putting on the press.
Another way of saying "go fuck yourself"
"You look like shit today "
"Put it deep"
The act of taking a high-risk gamble.
Friend #1: "I put it all on red bro."
Friend #2: "What do you mean?"
Friend #1: "I asked my coworker out."
Friend #2: "What'd she say?"
Friend #1: "She hasn't opened my message yet. I'm starting to think this was a crack dream..."
To respond to a hater throwing shade or trying to rain on your parade
Amanda: "That's a cute dress, I wonder how it looks on someone who isn't fat"
Jessica: "Bitch! Don't put pickle juice in my tea pot!"