W-hen the person you want to hang out with can’t hang out and all you’re doing
I-s laying in bed all day because they can’t hang out or they don’t want to hang out and your overthinking
E-verything because you think that they hate you because they might because You
N-ever know and
E-very little thing is making you mad because same
R-ight now which means that person is a wiener.
Jack - I killed your cat!
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An attack of odd feeling that make you want to just sit there and shake while trying to crush your own bones by shaking.
3 yr old girl's name in game: "kityysparklespretty11"
everyone who is mentally fit: c r i n g e a l e r t
The Most Epic Pker/Dmer in a game called Runescape.
Noob Def Ranger: Yeah when P 3 R 5 1 A Asked me to fight, i nearly shit myself.
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Rub Her Clit And Call Her Princess
"yo you gonna r-h-c-a-c-h-p tonight"
An attack of odd feeling that make you want to just sit there and shake while trying to crush your own bones by shaking.
3 yr old girl's name in game: "kityysparklespretty11"
everyone who is mentally fit: c r i n g e a l e r t
4👍 2👎
only if you put a dirty definition on urban dictionary. if haven't but dont believe me than serch chicken nugget and scroll.
also very clever finding this page!
u r baned from urban dictionary you monster
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