jacks are fucking sick cunts that eat dick all day long. but jack w's are even worse. those sick cunts are fucking retarded in every part of their horny brain and should be hung.
Person 1 - Hey there's a Jack W. over there.
Person 2 - Wanna beat his ass and kill him?
Person 1 - Bet.
dustin from stranger things stan
boy 1-wooah is that dustin from that show
boy 2-no its just jack w
Emily and DK should be tg they look cute
This is a w couple.
DK:hey bae
Emily:hey baby
When you're so bored, either in class, home, work place, restaurant, that you decide to type every variable of the kays in a keyboard consisting of the alphabet that contains "Å, Ä and Ö". I don't judge you, I've been doing this a lot when bored in class.
§1234567890+wertyuiopåäsdfghjklöä’<zxcvbnm,.- !”#¤%&/()=?WERTYUIOPÅ SDFGHJKLÖÄ*>ZXCVBNM;:_@£$‚{}\w€rþyuıœßðfghjĸøæʒ×cvbŋµ’ is nonsense, there is no definition
/w means with something or somebody.
Sunny: hey what’s up?
Sarah: nothing just /w my cousin.
Sunny: what does /w mean? i don’t understand.
(Also known as Project Walmart) The greatest party to ever be planned, project w is a huge party that will surface in an abandonded walmart in summer 2012
Yo did you hear about Project W??
Hell yeah its about to be insane!!
Braindead anonymous poll app that tricks you to think someone likes you, but in reality you are just one sad sack of shit.
Retard 1: Yo have you tried W app?
Retard 2: Yeah, a girl in 12th grade thinks I'm hot
Retard 1: Wait, isn't she 4 years older than you
Retard 2: Yeah fuck it why not