A whorish woman who has a certain rotation of men (usually the same ones) that she fuck's.
I myself am occasionally a cock dick juggler.
Dave is a man who just wanted to enjoy his egg salad sandwich in London Bridge, Platform 2. However, he was stalked by a small 12 year old girl. Therefore he did not enjoy his sandwich.
Dave the dick destroyer really destroyed my dick.
Delivering h sick around town ro women who requested you
These women keep calling me to come thru, guess I'll be dick dashing this week
Screwing someone in the ARX program
My adjuster put a $34 LKQ quarter panel on my 2021 Lambo. She told me she was “big dicking” me
When you and your girlfriend are oral intercourse and she trys to bite down on your shaft and the dick is so hard that the girls teeth fall out.
I got head from my girl yesterday and I Brick dicked her