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no way home

the fucking movie that needs to release the trailer already

guy 1:when no way home release?
guy 2:never

by super synergy July 22, 2021

going home

When you tell your friends youre going home but instead end up at wonoo's house

Jane: hey im going home now

by Wonoo July 25, 2017


A person or thing that chooses to stay home when allowed access to go outside.

Chris is a stay-at-home-junglefreak because he chose to not go out with his friends.

by Jungle Freak November 3, 2020


A person or thing that chooses to stay home when allowed access to go outside.

Chris is a stay-at-home-junglefreak because he chose to not go out with his friends.

by Jungle Freak November 3, 2020

Home ass

Home ass doesn’ mean what it sounds like. Home ass is in a common use when you are angry at someone. Can be another word for looking ass .. (something) or cocky.

For example:

Person 1: Ay bro tf you said to me home ass?

Person 2: Looking ass apple tf did I do home ass?

by GuatanaBoy1994 July 21, 2018

home dinners

Pathetic person who has no love or family and spend their lunch times alone at home

Oh gosh look at Aden, he's all alone.. Home dinners!!

by Paddingtonwangpants May 13, 2015

Home As Fuck

When you are in for the night and unwilling to leave no matter how cool the opportunity is.

Friend: Hey, there's a killer party out in Williamsburg tonight. You wanna come with me?
Me: No thanks, I'm home as fuck.

by High-End Company July 31, 2016