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hill billy hot socket

When one takes a steaming shit in a sock, and hits someone in the face.

Guy 1: Hey, what happened to your nose?
Guy 2: I was hit with a hill billy hot socket

by ojp-nutrapper January 17, 2016

Pinkyy from Park Hill

A drug kingpin from Park Hill projects that later died.of gun shot wounds.

That boy Pinkyy from Park Hill had all the dope

by Rob run corleone December 9, 2023

Hill 16

Hilly 16 Is an area of Croke Park which is Dublin only. There's actually a law in place in the Republic of Ireland which states anyone found to be occupying Hill 16 that is not a fan of Dublin is to be put to death. This is the only moral form of segregation to be found in the world.





by March 19, 2021

William of the hill

A fancy word for hill billy, to be used in high society.

Person 1: did you hear about Francine?
Person 2: no.

Person 1: she has become a William of the hill She lives in a shack in the woods now.

by Lydtehsquid October 10, 2018

Ant Hill High School Drama

A small or almost meaningless problem that can be solved in less than a day

Mike: Ugh, have you heard the ant hill high school drama Jenny has been involved in?
Lexi: ugh it’s so stupid, they are making such a big deal of it when it could be solved in less that a day even

by Ant Hill High drama enthusiast April 16, 2022

west hills day camp

West hills day camp is a place where friends meet and become besties for a lifetime. From ages 2-16 you have the best time of your life learning new things and having so much fun. In West hills teen tour you'll have the time of your life traveling the world with your best friends and summer family.

West hills day camp teaches kids and teens how to make the most of they're summers and have the time of their lives.

by User1120 September 23, 2017

Sybella Hill

A infamous and iconic hand model who is known for her lean and elongated fingers. Sometimes lacks in the frontal lobe area however it is overshadowed by her massive guns.

Tf!! is that Sybella Hill?
Yeh, have you seen those gun....HUGE!

by Crazygirldancer101 November 4, 2022