Going on urban dictionary to read through every definition listed for the name of your crush, S.O., best friend, or yourself. Usually includes thumbing up any definition for that name which is general enough to fit the best aspects of the person whose name you are stalking. May also include a thumbs down for any definitions that cast a negative light on them. Also, though less frequent, may include thumbing up negative definitions of exes/people you dislike.
I just spent two hours name-stalking Matt, my hottie boyfriend. I thumbed up every definition that fit him.
Fake names are names that are hilarious and utterly inappropriate in the use of a substitute teacher or kahoot to make everyone laugh
Bro I told the sub that my name was Drew Peacock and he believed it and said"Is there a Droopy cock here? DrOoPy CoCk here? Where is DrEw PeAcOcK? Man that guy just loves fake names
Your name dosen't describe you shut the fuck up with that shit it's annoying posting it on your Instagram story
OMG that girl is so beautiful who is she?
That's Ally. Nobody Cares About Your name
The Patricks are fucking RICH I mean, Houses on private islands and 10 Ferraris each. They're a family of 13.
Slut 1: I'm as thicc as the Patrick's cash wad.
Gossip: Did you hear that the Patrick (Last Name) 's bought another Tesla?
October 16th do it 👍🏻
Boy: Hey dude it’s October 16th you know what that means
Dude: no I don’t ?
Boy:it’s kiss a girl named devin day
Dude : but your girlfriend…..
Hym "Who, oh, who is there to blame... When no one is allowed to mention your name... And as I sit and ponder thus... One thing springs to mind... If I trade in my Ps4 for store credit at Gamestop today, I might be able to afford a Ps5 and Baldur's Gate 3.... And that would be dope... I don't know if I can get Mk1 too though... Hmm... 🤔 What to do..."
When he said “when someone calls your name” the audience was in a state of elegant euphoria