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she takes me sexually any damn way she wants me

she womanize my ass

by @direlegion March 2, 2022

Thicc Woman Appreciation

When two thicc woman appreciate eachother by giving compliments

Mia: Hey girl! You look extra thicc today!
Rissa: Aw thanks for that thicc woman appreciation!

by lmm32202 February 21, 2018

Woman Repellent

Look at hemant, it’ll say a lot.

“Bro have you seen hemant?”
“Yeah, he’s kinda below average why?”
Wdym. He’s literally woman repellent.”

by Booger-man December 9, 2023


Little Mix's ex-member Jesy Nelson once said to Little Mix member Perrie Edwards "ARE YOU STUPID WOMAN" because Perrie couldn't get what Jesy drew, which was fish and chips, and thought it was fish and noodles because they were in Japan at that time.

Jesy Nelson: What is this? *Points At Drawing*
Perrie Edwards: uh.. FISH AND NOODLES *Timer Goes Off*

by DCDAMI May 18, 2021

the womanizer effect

a pavlovian response to the post-chorus of britney spears' "womanizer" as a result of several "fancams" with said portion of song playing over visuals of a celebrity, generally posted on popular social media platform Twitter. sufferers report finding the subjects of said "fancams" more attractive with the audio, as well as arousal at the mere audio with no further visual.

i think i suffer from the womanizer effect. every time i hear that part of the song, i involuntarily drool.

by NyckelsFan27 September 24, 2020

Woman (Men)

They're traps and men.
Mostly fake lolies that edp likes to watch.

Yo you heard shes a Woman (Men)?

Bro, no way, is she like Jeralyn?

by tecclol June 1, 2022

angry woman eater

a sexist man that bashes on women. he'll aggressively slander women being called "angry" due to the aggression and anger mixed.
eater is for the compliment use of "ate" such as "you ate that up girl!" an angry woman eater.

Girl 1: "He's totally an angry woman eater."
Girl 2: "I know right?"
Guy 1: "You totally ate that girl up dude! You're a crazy angry woman eater!"
Guy 2: "Thanks dude!"

by LUKA ?! June 4, 2023