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Ass cold is a term which describes the degree of coldness. If anythings described as "ass" then it's the most intense. Less intensive coldness can be described as "butt cold" , "dick cold" or just "cold" however, "ass cold" is the worst of them all.

I don't want to go anywhere today, it's ass cold outside.

by Bailmaninmo January 1, 2019

Cold Pocket

A Cold Pocket is a hot pocket that has been put in the microwave for 14 years but the middle is still colder than your heart. Similar to a hot pocket. Can also mean a pocket that you peed in for a midnight snack.

cold pocket lol haha funni - jeffaroni rigatoni

by largenumber7 August 14, 2019

fecal cold

A cold that is transmitted through the nose upon smelling the flatulance (Intestinal gas that’s passed from the anus.) of someone that has fallen ill. Similar to a standard cold the infected will often have a “runny” nose although the discharge will have a brown tint. Any sneezes will often have a fecal aroma as well.

Steve missed work today because of the “Fecal Cold” he caught when Jim farted while he was still contagious.

by BigJimmy82 November 14, 2018

cold cutting

the process of getting take away drinks from a coffee shop and then sitting at outside tables or on the pavement in the middle of winter to avoid paying the ridiculously high VAT rate in the UK.

Guy 1: mate i really want a coffee but im like 20p short
Guy 2: thats cool man we can just do some cold cutting at starbucks
Guy 1: but its so cold!

by .brownie February 14, 2011


A) An illness that cannot and will not affect one's immune system in a severe manner or for a long duration of time.

B) This term can also be used to describe someone's actions when they are handling a situation like a bitch.

A) This pussy-cold can't keep a player down. I'll be ready to rock by the weekend for sure.

B) You going to go over there and talk to her, or do you have a pussy-cold?

by MattTheBarber92 September 22, 2023

Cold Case

An investigation that is left unsolved over a the course of years due to a lack of evidence.

Working on a cold case

by ChairRelaxation March 29, 2024

Cold wit the Sauce

If a person is cold wit the Sauce he is the illest nigga who has a original and or savage dress style. A person who is to cool and is the best at what he does while staying a trill nigga with hella clout and and a squaaa to back him up.

Nigga One : Damn He a fuckin savage he really knockin niggas out he to good.
Nigga Two: Yeah he Cold wit the Sauce

by Maddog_Industry December 14, 2016