Something that is good or something you really like or enjoy
That was the best movie I’ve seen in years. It really salts my pickles.
When a pickle gets poisoned and you eat it as a date.
“Yo Matt, I dare you to pickle poison.”
“Dude okay”
The act of retardness
This can also be used as a slur against someone
example 1:
James: does something stupid
Alex : you fucking pickled cookie
Example 2:
Alex : gets 20% on maths test
“Oh ,pickled cookie”
Putting your dick inside a pickle jar until it pickles, then finding a woman that hates pickles to then make her suck your dick and chuck up on said peen.
Performed a Pickle It! She opted for chuckin’ up on me wang lad! I threw up in her mouth. We proceeded to recycle this concept for hours until she died. Sucks.
a salty, sour, bitter, unhappy, jaded homosexual
A homosexuals that hates on other's success are "pickled homosexuals".
everyone has it, we just dont know its there
feeling sad or depressed? just embrace your inner pickle and youll be forever happy
breaking news!: sandy likes to take Patricks prickly sea pickle onna daily yuhurd?
definition: prickly sea pickle //
pronounced: pr ick ly see pick el
"Yo dude you heard about sandy and patrick?" /// "yeah man ! he said them cheeks was heavenly!!"
"yo man I heard sandy asked for Patricks prickly sea pickle" \\ "yeah man ! he told me them cheeks was heavenly !!"