Sarah- Best person on the earth. Shy af at school, but is the kind of person who would dance their heart out at a grocrey store. Has main character vibes but doesn't know how special she really is. Her bestfriend is her favorite person in the world, and they are the craziest b*tchs ever together. She's straight af, and dying for a guy to love her. But it'll come soon enough. And the truth is she dosn't need a boyfriend right now she needs to learn to love herself. The type of person who knows how to deal with shit life throws at her. She's also is constantly vibing to her favorite playlist and her favorite show is Outerbanks. The sweetest person you'll ever meet and you'll be sorry if you leave her.
Person: you're such a Sarah
Person: thanks
Sarah- Best person on the earth. Shy af at school, but is the kind of person who would dance their heart out at a grocrey store. Has main character vibes but doesn't know how special she really is. Her bestfriend is her favorite person in the world, and they are the craziest b*tchs ever together. She's straight af, and dying for a guy to love her. But it'll come soon enough. And the truth is she dosn't need a boyfriend right now she needs to learn to love herself. The type of person who knows how to deal with shit life throws at her. She's also is constantly vibing to her favorite playlist and her favorite show is Outerbanks. The sweetest person you'll ever meet and you'll be sorry if you leave her.
Person: you're such a Sarah
Person: thanks
a name that automatically defines you as basic
who tf is sarah mitchell from va
a basic bitch who should die
Sarah’s are honestly the most beautiful people. They tend to be the most sarcastic people and that’s what makes them funny! They usually wear fluffy jumpers and anything that provides self comfort and will always look great in anything. They are the peace-makers of any situations and easy to talk to people. You are very lucky if you have a Sarah in your life.
Person 1: That woman over there, Sarah, is really nice
Person 2: I know I just spoke to her
Person 1: Same. Whatever she says makes me smile!
Absolutely amazing. She is kind, funny, talented, and stunning 🤩
I love Sarah
Sarah is a kind thoughtful woman, she’s usually found with her nose stuck in a book but if you can grab her attention you’ll be glad you did. She’s always up for an adventure, outdoors or in bed. She won’t hesitate to tell you what she wants except when it comes to picking a place to eat. She is generous and caring to a fault. She is honestly probably the woman of your dreams but you don’t see it.
Is that sarah? Wow she’s so hot.