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Bruised Turd

the state of looking so bad that you just don't look like shit but worse. You look like a turd that has been through the ringer; beat up; abused.

Example Person 1: This has been the week from hell!

Example Person 2: Gosh Diane, I can totally tell you look like a bruised turd.

Example Person 1: Thanks Cindy...

by T-Floss February 4, 2011

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Turd Squared

When someone has a foursomein a portaloo box

Jodie: β€œAy mate how was ye turd squared at limf”
James: β€œit was a fucking belter”

by Telephone box ;) March 14, 2019

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turd machine

When one deficates while listening to Bird Machine

Jimbob decided to try the turd machine.

by large anal beads November 10, 2013

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Turd Bullet

A fast bowel movement. Typically used as an insult in place of asshole or jerk.

I can't stand my new neighbor, he's such a turd bullet.

by uvkorn7 November 19, 2010

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Turd swirl

A testing facility in Montreal

That place is a real turd swirl.

by bray fart May 1, 2009

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Turd Herd

a group of people dressed like turd

"look it's the turd herd"
"aren't they supposed to be in the toilet"
"i would NEVER be in that club"

by soapsolo11103 February 6, 2013

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turd fight

What happens when two monkeys get into a sort of "cockfight", but instead throw turds at each other.

The epic turd fight between the two monkeys ended with one monkey getting the shit beat out of him and turd shoved up his ass.

by DannyDingo May 30, 2009

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