a Crush - to have a crush on:
A person (generally a human) you are attracted to. The words “to have a crush” can also be used as a verb, to describe a deep, intimate and strong desire to be with someone (physically but also in the sense of being in a relationship with that person). A “crush” is commonly not as strong and/or deep as love.
In the past the verb “to crush” meant to forcefully break, damage or compress something. It might just be a coincidence that the same word is used to describe a romantic feeling for someone.
When I was five, she used to be my crush!
But now I have a crush on another girl!
Someone who will crush your heart to pieces because they will never ever like you back.
My crush just crushed my heart
To destroy something by putting pressure on it.
Loving someone without knowing if he/she also loves you.
Someone you love without knowing if he/she also loves you.
1: I have a crush on her
2: OK, go tell her then
1: Hey!
1's Crush: Hey!
1: *Faints*
someone your eyes crushes on like an anchor hold on to something n the sea.
You got a hold on them with your eyes and start devlopping feelings.
I have a crush on that girl/boy!
Can't take my eyes off them; They are so cute/beautiful
Something you get when you're incredibly lonely that ends up making you more lonely by making you think you have a chance with a person that's way too good for you.
The person who lights up your day you wish they could be yours. You think 100 thoughts and they are 99. Your heartbreaks in side knowing they don't fell the same way about you.
I am crushing so bad but you rejected me so what am I supposed to do to get over you.