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napkin dream

When home boy writes something down on a napkin that is going to change his life the evening before when the powder kicks in, and blows his nose with it the next morning when he wakes up before throwing it away and never coming back to it.

Chris is selling napkin dreams.

by YourBrotherInLaw November 17, 2016

Dream Pimp

A person or peoples, usually in the arts, entertainment, and music industry, that over promises and under-delivers.
The person(s) are usually surround by flying monkeys who chase clout.

Dream Pimps will come up with elaborate lies to hype you up, but I’m reality they want to piggy back off your hard work.

They most likely have no talent themselves.
They mostly likely use drugs and fake promises to manipulate creatives into working with them.

A dream pimp contacted me offering exposure to their inactive audience.
I’ve been tagged in posts 5 times by a dream pimp.
That dream pimp over there.

by Madeofstarsnstuff October 12, 2021

Battle For Dream Island

some show that made a whole community because of kids having fun or stuff, also it sounds like a fever dream when you describe the whole show

so the leaf got mad and stole the island from the fire and then when all the objects realised... thats all for today i'll tell you more about Battle For Dream Island. what was even that are you okay?

by howdoitype October 3, 2023

Battle for Dream Island

Battle For Dream Island (BFDI) is a show made by Cary And Micheal Huang. It has 5 seasons including BFDI, BFDIA, IDFB, BFB, BFDI MINI, and BFDI: TPOT. The first episode of season 1 was released on January 1st 2010. It features 20 objects battling for a paradise Island. S2 is the same thing but with 22-27 contestants. Season 3 was unspecified. Season 4 has 64 in total (Two took 41) in Season 5 Two took 40 contestants and 2 new contestants joined.

Battle for Dream Island Is A good show
BFB is good
TPOT is da best

by ssk 123 456 March 19, 2024

mango dream

A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep. A mango dream, is when you vividly dream of eating a fresh juicy mango, but wake up to the disapointment of mango juice instead.

Dang, I just had a mango dream :(.

by FesityWitch June 15, 2022

fragile dreams

Fragile dreams are dreams that can be changed easily by looking at something.

Man 1: Hey, look at this badly drawn Elmo! Man 2: Hey, fun fact, I have fragile dreams! Now you ruined them! Man 1: Please don't kil- Man 2: I COULD'VE WON A AWARD FOR MY DREAM! NOW PAY WITH YOUR LIFE! Man 1: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

by The Life of Protein March 6, 2021

Boulevard of Broken Dreams

The home of the nice guys.

X: Man she cheated on me with Adam.
Y: That asshole who sucker punched and you fractured your arm in 3 places.
X: Yes.
Y: Seems like u took a trip down the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Z: You still got your dignity

by Clem Winkleberry July 4, 2015