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Who got the herbs when I’m dry

Who got the herbs when I’m dry means who has the weed when I don’t it’s from a reggae song but it’s fun to say to your friends

Yo nick who got the herbs when I’m dry? Nick: yeee

by Nickatnite40 November 17, 2020

wet dry

When a girls pussy is wet af but her personality mad dry

I went out with Jessica and she wet dry.

by George68 August 17, 2022


being not dry

i'm so not-dry over text

by gisselley 😜😜😜😜 September 8, 2022

Dry BJ

A blowjob given after consuming a sleeve of saltine crackers.

Also known as "cracker barrel" "cracker chowder" and "cottonmouth bj"

"Man, my lady gave me a dry bj last night that had me chowdering in seconding."

by SparkleSmartyPants June 23, 2018

Dry Blade

A term used in Overwatch to describe the use of Genji’s Ultimate ability with no damage boost abilities (EX: Mercy’s DMG boost, Ana’s Nano Boost)

Josh: “I’m gonna have to dry blade now”

Sarah: “What, why?”

Josh: “Ana nanoed Mercy..”

by cyypris August 9, 2023

dry alcoholic

An alcoholic that no longer drinks

A dry alcoholic is a person who has overcome being and alcoholic and so therefore, no longer drinks

by Destination-UnKnown April 8, 2018

Dry ballin

When you see a level 9 hottie, and you think you might cream in your pants but don't.

Hey, Jon look over there...that chick has got me dry ballin!

by Jade Canyon June 11, 2019