a person who has unusually amounts of epicness and gaming skills. Common in america or something idk they are also cracked at the game
Jimmy: yooooooooo hes so good
Chad: im a godly gamer
The stupid people who's creativity outweighs any question of whether they should not could.
Commonly shortened to "TEG"
Hey, have you heard of The Epik Gamers?
A Gamer who is smart even though plays games all day and night
Person 1:how did you’ve get a “A” even though you play video games all the time
Person 2:I’m a Smart Gamer
A business and gamer company focused in dominate all England, and then, all the world. May be hard, but you should be afraid of them.
Elite Lucky Gamers is a good community, but I'm afraid of them.
A persona that is inflicted on a person when they are raging play video games to an extent
“Gamer Genna is back.”
Gamer Lemonade is when a person pisses in a bottle because their too lazy to go to the bathroom.
Mom: Damn it Johnny what did I tell you about pissing in bottles I’m not gonna keep cleaning up ur gamer lemonade
Johnny: but mom im busy playing valorant I don’t have time for potty breaks!