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shit sauce

The opposite of "Sweet Sauce"

Boss: "You have to work on New Years Eve"
Employee "shit sauce"

by Stephen W. December 19, 2007

31๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chilli Shit

When you eat a large amount spicy food, such as chilli, and the shit burns your ass and is painstaking to defecate.

I had so many burritos the other day, that I took a seriously nasty chilli shit.

by Ganongeek August 12, 2007

31๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shitting Hell

"A term used in the occasion of something unusual, unexpected or unlucky. Often when someone is hurt or something shocking happens

Example 1: (man drops plate and it breaks) Shitting Hell! i just broke that plate !.

Example 2:Person 1 : BOO

Person 2 : ahhh shitting hell u made me jump !

Example 3: Shitting hell! steve just got Munched !

by ChrissyBoy123 July 5, 2009

31๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Indian Shits

When you eat Indian food, an about 5 minutes after you're done eating, you feel a rumble in your stomach followed by a massive shit.

Mike: Damn, that was some good Curry! Very spicy!

Frank: Oh ya, I really enjoyed it! ::stomach rumbles::
Mike: You OK dude?
Frank: Yeah I'm good =/ .... :: runs to the bathroom to take a dump::
Mike: Wow...looks like he has a case of the Indian Shits!

by mg87 February 3, 2010

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crack the shits

to get pissed off or really angry. Origin unknown...

He cracked the shits with her because she dropped a brick on his foot

by dancer01 April 4, 2005

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Shit Music

Shit music, is music that requires almost no talent to produce. The genre most commonly associated with Shit music is pop music, in which artists are rarely able to play the instruments to produce the music and often deliver poor vocals. Such an industry thrives on image; records are typically sold using sex or idolising the artists.

A prime example of shit music is the Spice Girls. This group are neither talented with instruments, nor can they sing. They can hereby by referred to as a 'shit band'. However, they were popular due to their 'girl power' image. When the group split up and tried to make it as solo artists (with the exception of one) all of their careers failed as their image was lost and all that was left was their weak voices.

by Jbjam2003 October 3, 2007

358๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž

Eating Shit

A term popularly used in Miami that means not doing anything.

Person A- "what are you doing?"
Person B- "Nothing just here eating shit."

by Berlice March 31, 2008

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