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Pioneer Heritage Middle School

At PHMS your either Gay, Indian, a basic bitch, or a athletic black kid. All the girls are too sensitive. There is shit and piss all over the toilets because you can’t see from all the fucking smoke in the air. Once you get out of the bathroom you realize there’s a fucking cockroach up your ass. The computers are as slow as all the teachers 40 times. Half the kids smell like bad perfume, weed, or curry shit stains. This school is literally a prison, banning a new fucking thing everyday. All teachers use stone age technology to teach us something we won’t remember the next day. Half the teachers are literally autistic. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hey you goto Pioneer Heritage Middle School?”


“Never talk to me again.”

by Juul + School = Cuul March 4, 2019

31👍 12👎

Jay Stream Middle School

A school that tries to be engaging and fun but really drains everyone’s creative spirit and gives all students suicidal thoughts. Best known for racist and ignorant teachers who basically no one likes. Locally, it is referred to as Jay, and its rival school is Stratford Middle School. Basically everyone who attends that school is a snake and will probably backstab you. The mascot is the jayhawks and the main color is blue. How original! (Not really). Overall a pretty garbage school.

Person: What middle school did you go to?
Me: Jay Stream Middle School.
Person: Wow that school sucks.

by Lilpdog April 5, 2018

14👍 4👎

Medford Memorial Middle School

where kids dont get expelled for smoking weed in the bathroom where girls dress like sluts and claim they got kissed by justin bieber

alex bartasius "getting kissed by jb" at medford memorial middle school

by bigmar311 January 27, 2011

112👍 57👎

new prairie middle school

A shithole that is full of slutty kids and assholes, the teachers don’t give a fuck about the students and only care about getting their money, the food is overpriced and tastes extremely bland, the only thing the school actually cares about is test scores and if girls have holes in their jeans

I used to go to new prairie middle school, absolute fuck fest if I do say so myself

by Booty eater8294748992837473839 October 26, 2019

9👍 2👎

Central york middle school

A school full of autistic gay nibbas.

That kid is from central york middle school

by Magic music man March 8, 2019

9👍 2👎

first colony middle school

a bunch of clown ass niggas man

bro yk first colony middle school?
the one near settlers way?
what about it?
they some clown ass niggas

by Clown ass niggas man October 23, 2019

9👍 3👎

Indian hills middle school

a school were a sexy ass kid with a long ass penis goes




look its Indian hills middle school

by real wikipedia November 3, 2017

9👍 2👎