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bell lets talk

a day that bell holds dedicated to acknowledging mental health illnesses and struggles.

Kate: wow todays Bell Lets Talk day
Kei: wtf is that

Kate: *shows him this*

by frinarii January 31, 2019

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Walking Talking Robots

Them guys in City Hall who are so much Holier-Than-Thou.

"'cos ev'ryone is walkin' talkin' robots..."

by SamThatBlokeInBognor May 19, 2005

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no talk me back

shut up and sit down! you don't wanna mess with me

no talk me back! you go to ICE!

by sk and ks November 17, 2010

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Facebook Double talking

when two friends are one the phone with each other and one posts a new status and the other one comments while they are on the phone together. They know what each other is going to comment before they comment.

Ronnie and Riley are facebook double talking.

by DoubleFaces333 June 1, 2011

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Talking Shit Dogs

A common Phrase originating from the phrase ' Yipping Dogs ', most commonly practiced or used after someone says something, which seems highly unbelievable, one would replay ' What is that i hear ....it's a .... it's a ....O, its a talking shit dog! ' , implying your disbelief in the previous statement.

Dude i just got a 30 man kill streak, only with grenades! ... wait ... wait ...whats that i hear ? ... O YES !.... its the talking shit dogs !

by Khornewarrior April 19, 2010

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Rich Dummy Talk

The use of bogus technical terms used mainly by salesmen and people with low IQ to try to impress others - usually ends in the person sounding absolutely genius around other idiots or incredibly stupid around a person who actually uses his or her brain.

Idiot: Dude, my new computer has 16 quantum rapid pipeline array multitasking engines, 32 supercharged bit array analyzers, and 4 scanline 8-bit button-mapping process interrupters!

Intelligent Person: Wow, you must really love rich dummy talk - that computer was outdated 4 years ago and you just spent $3000 for it.

by The Overmind July 1, 2004

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legit talk

It's like, what's up. i mean like, what you're doing when you're talking to someone and it's legit. It's like real talk without all the serious connotations. It's just legit

Val: Yo let's get on legit talk status.
Jack: For real, real talk is too deep for this shit right now, let's get legit.

by yeeeeeeeeeebitchhhhhhhhstatus November 13, 2009

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