Source Code

ambrose ali university

A place for the homeless, dirty and frustrated ones and also it is another home for animals. NOTE: the other name for Ambrose Ali University is called REFUGEE CAMP

Son: mom I want to go to the university...

Mom: but we don't have money to pay for things you will need as a student...
Son: mom don't worry my friend told me of a university that accept the frustrated and homeless ones

Mom:what is the name of the university

Son: Ambrose Ali University
Mom: wow, get ready son .. we're going there next week

by Rough marlian April 22, 2020

Florida State University

The elite university in the State of Florida. The oldest historical campus in the State of Florida. Usually sends it's rejects to the University of Florida.

That poor bastard couldn't get accepted to FSU, I guess he has to enroll at UF.

by Steve Spurrier June 30, 2004

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Virginia Commonwealth University

also known as virginia commonhoe university, this is a fun school with a very diverse group of students. It's a lil sketch in some parts but it's nothing pepper spray cant fix

Man I love Virginia Commonwealth University, it's a goodie.

by ilovefrankocean June 12, 2018

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cracker jack university

A fictional institution of higher learning where cocky know-it-alls get their education. In other words, got their degree from a Cracker Jack box.

Controlling parent: Yeah, my son is 40 years old, but he still has to obey me, cause IT’S THE LAW!
Judge: Where did you get your law degree? Cracker Jack University?

by Hannibal Cannabis September 10, 2020

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High Point University

A lovely university with the most extratrodinary President, he is not only well-spoken but always punctual when he lectures. I've had the most utmost fun at this university thanks to this man who has genuinely expanded my knowledge about life skills.

nIDO qUbEin iS thE PrESIdENt oF hIGh pOInT UniVerSitY AnD Has MaDe tHE PlACe MoRE eXTraOrDInaRy tHAn dIsnEY

by #1nidoandaprilfan December 15, 2021

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University of Advancing Technology

The School for G33Kz and 1337 Hackers located in Tempe, AZ. Backed by the Dept of Homeland Security and the National Security Agency, this "University" is sure to turn out only the Best Technophiles of the 21st Century. The tech school nobody's ever heard of, this is the University of Advancing Technology!

"The University of Advancing Technology, golly gee... What the Fuck is That?!"
"Let's go to www.uat.edu for more educational propaganda!"

by Mr. HappysPrick February 19, 2014

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Point Park University

A really cool liberal arts college that isn't JUST known for it's dancers, but for it's photographers, forensic science majors, and all the other weird ones in between (ie funeral services).

Yes, we do have many Gay people and Divas. BUT we have equal number on NON-DIVAS.

And our symbol is super cool. Not to mention, we have a super small campus that kicks ass.

I major in funeral services at Point Park University.

I'm an aspiring photographer and attend Point Park University.

by ppugirl January 31, 2011

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