when six guys are together violently jerking each other off in a line but the sixth guy is behind the third man fucking him in the ass
the boys and were filmen some lineman porn
Porn hub is a website used to wank ot ginger yourself depending on which gender
I am going to watch porn hub
Something most middle school boys use because they are lonely asf
Hey dude did you see Belle Delliphene video on porn hub.
Porn hub the place where the comment section is more interesting than the video
Due to nature of free porn and accessibility of porn, or celebrity using porn as vehicle to stardom, or general competitiveness of the porn industry, pornstars are getting more and more attractive. Pageant porn is the idea where the destination of porn is heading that will eventually eclipse actual beauty pageants.
Jennifer, the high school prom queen, is now participating in the pageant porn industry.
Resulting from a Floridian's recent rebuke of schools showing classic art (specifically, Michelangelo's David): anyone showing leg below the knee, A&F advertisements, firefighter calendars, any swim suit designed after 1946, the showing of pelvis or clavicle even through tight fitting clothing; and of course any Renaissance art (those nasty 14th century bastards!)
Terry is looking hawt in the new Fire Fighter calendar! That shirtless pic is straight up Florida Porn!
Someone who uses all their internet sleuthing abilities in order to find the source of a particular pornographic image or clip. Google search, reverse image search, questioning discord and reddit users, freeze framing to check out on-screen text, cross referencing screenshots of the model in question with a database of similar looking models until he finds a match, nothing is out of the question when you're horny and trying to get off. This is the dude that should have been working at the NSA to find Bin Laden, but instead he's trying to find the name of the porn star he just watched get gangbanged.
Imagine a dude from CSI, except instead of looking for a murderer, he's zooming into a washed out watermark in the corner of a :03 second .gif in order to find out the source of the porn he wants to jack off to.
Jim: "God damn that was a hot clip. Who was that?
Michael: "No idea. Just found it while browsing reddit. Send it to Kyle, he's a real porn detective. If he's horny, He'll find the source in less than an hour."