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vagina muncher

an individual who enjoys munching vaginas of older obese women

this be you and oprah and vagina muncher

by vagina muncha! September 6, 2009

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Shetland Vagina

A smaller than average vagina.Tiny the smallest you've ever seen.

Her vagina was REALLY small but that's good it fit my average sized penis. It looked like a Shetland vagina!

by lunchbox#1 July 11, 2012

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Vagina Monkey

A person or persons who are in the vagina almost non-stop (A player or a pimp).

Dude, Max is such a vagina monkey, with all his bitches and what not.

by MonkeyMan22423 May 28, 2011

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vagina stall

stalling a hacky sack in your vagina (either real or one you just rigged up from your hands or a pringles can)

what are you guys doing? vagina stalls.

whoa dude nice vagina stall.

by fagatartus June 12, 2003

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Raisin Vagina

A wrinkly ass

I had sex with that raisin vagina

by PR0XIDIAN March 4, 2010

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vagina toast

on a warm summmer night when you stick you bread in someones vagina and then in the morning you have nice steamy toast

man that vagina toast was good

by your mom March 28, 2005

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vagina talk

n. A type of gossip mainly consisting of pointless drudgery to anyone outside of the conversation. antiquated discussion often of a sexual nature. only possible within a medium to large group of relatively horny, often unnatractivefemales.

WARNING: DO NOT attempt to infiltrate such a conversation. Interuptions of this nature are reacted to strongly and often with violence most commonly in the form of slaps.

'How long have those girls been sitting there blabbing?'
Dude i dunno, but seriously, enough vagina talk already.'

'Yo that amazing chick loves gossipping way too much.'
I see you, brah, shes like the queen of vagina talk.'

by keith rivers November 1, 2010

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