A tiny penis. Usually worn by a male who considers himself big and works out a lot. Enjoys his own image in the mirror despite having a micro wang.
Also used to describe soft, pansy type males.
Oh boy. Look at that schmidt dick over there. He definitely is compensating for his tiny penis
A girl who is devoted to suck a 90+ year old man's limp Dick until he dies, just to get that paper.
My sister called and told me that today she became a limp dick whore, and pretty soon we will be rich.
1. Severe open dick wounds, making the dick look like a pepperoni pizza
2. An insult used to describe someone being incredibly painful to be around, like having a dick pizza
Kyle has a total dick pizza
When your penis is very cold.
"Dude, i got crypt dick bad, chillin my leg!"
a guy who wont allow the world to enjoy his dick like he knows they all want him to
Guy 1: Dude that girl totally wanted your dick!
Guy 2: I know, whatever.
Guy 3 (off in the distance and under his breath): What a dick hogger...
Dick Spiking is where a ton of men get hard and all lay down kinda close to eachother. Creating spikes made of dicks then women jump from a predered hight and try and land on one.
Dick spike is when men get hard and lay down like spikes then women jump on there dicks