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group of tight knit gangstas from J-ville that stand up in the face of adversity and ready to throw down for anyone at any time

Damn! Did you see them bitches? What happened? Aww dem J-Unit boyz got buck wile again...

by Pone April 28, 2005

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Also known as a Peanut Butter and Jizz. When you receiving oral from a girl, and right before you ejaculate, you slap her in the face with a hand full of peanut butter. Then you proceed to jizz in her face.

- Hey man. Can i give your sister a PB&J?
- Why would you want to make her a sandwich?

- No. I mean a Peanut Butter and Jizz.

by Legendary Goon December 10, 2010

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The hottest rap group around! featuring Donk-E and J-Eneration, from the streets of Crowbags, UK!

Man, the J-Unit are the shiznit

by J-Eneration May 12, 2004

9๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you have sex with your girlfriend in the bathroom at walmart and bend her over, stick her head in the urinal, and flush right before ejaculation so that she clinches tight for the finish.

Hey baby, come up to work so we can have a quick j-true.

by SRJ08 December 18, 2008

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Inside joke.

"Their i/j was so stupid."

by whagwan October 23, 2009

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Daniel J

He has enormous pp it is too large before you put it in she will say its very big and enormous pp.

Girl 1: I'm hanging out with Daniel J today and i can already feel his pp

by GODISSUPERGOOD December 11, 2019

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A very distinct dance that is seen in the basements of College Ave. It can be done to any song and girls go crazy over it.

1. Raise your hand to shoulder height

2. Bend your knees
3. Snap your fingers to the beat
4. Nod your head to the beat
5. Step forward with each other beat
6. Switch from looking left and right after each beat

Check out that guy, he's doing the J-Snap! That guy's going HAM tonight!

by Metzger4th May 19, 2011

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