A beg unit also known as a beg friend is someone who trys to give themselves status when in reality that person is just a road cat.
Kevon is a Beg Unit, he begs it so much he has earned the name BEGVON DUTCH.
"im gonna email Ez about my girl blah blah blah"
"Probli just stay in and listen to ez and call him about my girl blah"
A show that is based on the life of a woman named Tara who has D.I.D.. This show poorly represents the disorder and has been deemed worse than the movie Split.
United states of Tara is a shitty show, dare I say its worse than Split.
People glorifying surprise reveals in the United States of America
Typically used to describe a dirty ol' redneck that aspires to be as monumentally stout as an Absolute Unit. Wears Ariat boots with faded blue jeans. Wears hats as often as possible. Probably to cover his bald spot.
Damn y'all look at Bradley walking down the hall like a Cowboy Unit. That guy is a poser -- he's no Absolute Unit!
/kʊkt ˈju .nɪt/
To be an absolute unit and have drunk a whole slab, Done a shit ton of drugs or are just simply tired.
- "Fuck man, Did you just do the whole bag cunt?! That was for everyone ya cooked unit!"
1. A unit run by sailors and now the Navy.
2. A sailor that has sexual intercourse with other sailors.
This Fleet Support Unit is just inside the Fleet Support Unit!