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February 7th

It's national tickle your friend Gio day! Tickle him on his sides.

Friend: *Tickles Gio*
Gio: "STOP"
Friend: "Its February 7th though"
Gio: "oh ok, continue"

by GalsGalaxy February 7, 2025

February 7th

February 7th is "Punch your enemy day"

Enemy: What are you gonna do loser

Jimmy: its February 7th so I'm gonna punch you

by Quentina December 15, 2021

February 7th

On this day, your bf has to say yes to you all day. No is NOT an option. He has to do wtv you tell him :)

Greg it's February 7th yk what that means

by Yruey February 6, 2024

February 9

Narcissistic crazy moms are born on this day

Hey when was your moms birthday again?

Oh that, it was on February 9 why?

Wow your moms a bitch!

by i.knowitalll November 24, 2021

February 9

National slap ass day!!

Hey baby!! It’s is February 9!!

by coolguy16383 February 9, 2023

February 9

The most grumpiest people on the planet and looks like a fucking grandma.

My birthday is in February 9
P: you look so ugly

by Mommymilker345 November 24, 2021

february 9

Ellie's Birthday

Ellie: Today is my birthday
Day: *is February 9th*

by SNACC ATTACC February 11, 2018