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Eat Tyler's Food Day

Today is the day whete you are allowed to eat Tyler's food no matter what

"Its Eat Tyler's Food Day!"
"Lets go eat all his food"

by MiniPigeon November 6, 2019

National order food day

National food day is when you go on Postmates or DoorDash and order your favorite foods

It’s national order food day and it’s January 14 I’m going to order food

by what’s this again😩πŸ”ͺ January 14, 2021

aww (food product here)

when a bad or funny thing happens you or some one elses yells out awww..

the man fell and they all yelled awwww chilli-sause

by John F. Bono August 7, 2003

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Closet Case Food-Hoarder

Someone who is obsessed with food and stores it in places where no one will find it, such as laundry baskets, drying machines, ect.

I went to my cousin's house yesterday and was looking for a t-shirt in the laundry basket when I found her stash of cookies, fruit roll-ups, and brownies. Shes such a closet case food-hoarder.

by blahblahwords May 16, 2010

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intentional food poisoning

The process of entering a dodgy eatery and deliberately ingesting food that has clearly been contaminated by being spat on, having flies sit on the meat for extended periods of time and being left in a bain-marie for the better part of a week. It would be less painful eating rotten road kill from the center of the desert, infected with Malaria. The specific reason for doing this to yourself, and causing all this pain to oneself, is to simply get out of work. Bosses the world over hear many excuses from their employees, but intentional food poisoning, is the number one cause of "employee away on Monday again" disease. Employees suffering from this illness should be taken from their place of residence and shipped to a small island inhabited by cannibals and eaten so they understand what it feels like to give someone intentional food poisoning.

Not in again today? Intentional food poisoning again is it?
Did you hear about <insert hated workmate name here>? He gave him/herself intentional food poisoning
Intentional food poisoning is the number one cause of diabetes in fat cunts who dont want to work
If you think you have intentional food poisoning, then you should be dragged out and molested by a rabid pack of panthers on heat.

by honneamise December 2, 2018

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cheaper than fast food

Something that sux i.e. being taken advantage of

He just blew me off. That's cheaper than fast food.

by Claire July 22, 2003

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Food and finance high school

Lameass school with the most homosexuals on West 50th st also known for "the school that locked a wimpy boy in a freezer."

Remember when people locked a pussy bitch In a walk in fridge at Food and finance high school?

by Nugget daddy August 25, 2017

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