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Love is a word a woman uses to make her prey more comfortable until she decides to stop playing with her food.

She said she loved me, and I felt safe, and then one day she devoured my soul.

by TheXandro September 4, 2011

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A word men use to get women into to bed

Man: Honey, I love you SOO much
Woman: Oh! I love you to, let's go have sex!

by I'mamotherfucker October 10, 2011

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Love is something that once you feel you cant stop feeling. Its a feeling that gives you butterflies. And when you realize you love someone tell them. ๐Ÿ’˜

I love my boyfriend
(Vise versera)
I love my girlfriend

by That stupid child April 29, 2019

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A surge of the neurotransmitter dopamine providing a euphoric effect and simulating the feeling of what people call "love". Lust and happiness felt when with a significant other can lead to one pronouncing their love. Whenever the initial dopamine surges wear off, the euphoric feelings deplete and you break up (unless there are compatible needs each other could fulfill to mutually benefit- like money or to have a family )

Tom Cruise before marriage : I'm in crazy love with her.

Tom Cruise after married : Fuck, her pussy isn't tight like it used to be.

by LizzyD7 September 12, 2016

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Youโ€™ll know love when it hits you In The face.

โ€œOh I have a feeling that Iโ€™ve never felt before, must be loveโ€

by HENRY FRICKITT September 19, 2020

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Mike intact loves alisha more than god loves his creations.

The amount of love I have is in-comparable to all that exists

by Roak September 1, 2022

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A feeling extremely hard to understand. It can either make you very bold or way too shy. It also feels really nice at times.

I think Iโ€™m in love with him.

by Iโ€™m tired November 3, 2019

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