Source Code

(kpop idol name)splug

A amazing cult of kpop idol plugs

“What’s your tiktok @“ “Oh my @ is (kpop idol name)splug
(kpop idol name)splug approves 👍

by bangtansplug January 22, 2021

hello the names colm

The wife keeps texting me. I shat in the girls bathroom last night! It was the Craic!

“Ugh my wife shit on my phone” “Hello the names Colm!”

by Sam o shame ass July 5, 2021

how the devil's name

a synonym phrase for, and a less rude version of, 'how the fuck'

father: son go do your homework and improve your grades.

son (scowling): how the devil's name did you know my grades were so poor?

father: I had the common sense to clean out the ashes from the fireplace. And guess what I found ? Bits and pieces of your report card. Put two and two together and the result is, that you tried burning your report card; didn't want your mom and myself to see it, I'd imagine?

by Sexydimma April 30, 2013

A Last Night Name

An alias for when you get down and dirty and need to keep your identity a secret.

I didn't want that girl to look me up on Facebook the next day and try to friend me- so I used a Last Night Name

by Iguana Mama July 30, 2018

The Emcee With No Name

One who wishes to remain anonymous yet wants the world to listen to what they say.
One who seeks no reward for their contribution, advice or aid. Hence No Name.

The Emcee With No Name is selfless and humble with an inhuman honesty.
Seeks respect in others not fear.
A wordsmith from the underground, not an image consultant from uptown.

by R.K.Anderson July 11, 2008

Not my name quarterback

sidelined, sidelined the qb and me, the qb and me, quarterback, not my name, not my name quarterback meme, not my name quarterback sidelined, tiktok, accuracy, crigne, tubi, tubi movie, tubi orignal, archwood wolves, drayton, dallas, nice catch cheer, noa
Not My Name, Quarterback, also known as Nice Catch, Cheer, refers to a scene in the Tubi Orignal movie Sidelined: The QB and Me in which the character Drayton Lahey (played by Noah Beck) throws a football that's caught by Dallas Bryan (played by Siena Agudong). He says, "Nice catch, Cheer." She responds, "Not my name, Quarterback," and throws the football back to him. Both are wearing "Archwood Wolves" merch. The scene went viral on TikTok and YouTube in late 2024 and early 2025. It was parodied in '99.99% Accruacy' Meme Reenactments and absurd edits soon after because people thought that the scene and its dialogue were cringe.

"hey nice catch bro" your friend would say.

then you say "Thats not my name quarterback"

by Young thug with that switch February 22, 2025

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Name Definition

pointless type of definition used 99% of time to make the person with the name reading that happy

sometimes also used to meme another person or a troll making it

Guy 1: *searches name definition* Alright. John.
14 year old girl on urbandictionary: OMG JOHN IS SO CUTE AND FUNNY I LUV HIM😳😳😳💖💖💖💖💖💖
Guy 1: stfu.

by Stupid Af July 18, 2021

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