Sexual act where you literally eat the shit outta someone's anus
Jim: I was just snack packed for the first time. Ber: that's gross! Who would be kinky enough to snack your pack!?!
Home grown marijuana moist and stilled seamed stretched and hend into thick globs most reject and disbelief its marijuana and in fact it is it comes from the hemp based plant know ass cannibas and is a stronger form of tetrahydrocanabino
Aye I just got that postal pack bro
Dropping a small snack sized shit into someone’s belly button and they eat it with a spoon.
I am going to give Susie a South Dakotan Snack Pack
Fingering someone.
Not quite stuffing the turkey (having sex). But in the ball park.
I was packing the turkey with Mia last night at a party.
Deciding to have anal while needing to shit, packing the shit back into your ass
Friend 1:Bro wanna fuck?
Friend 2:Sorry man, I would but I gotta shit
Friend 1: I’m fine with ass packing if you are
The genitalia of an elderly man, or the breasts of an elderly woman.
John "Man, I heard that once you hit the age of 60, you start to develop a flap pack!"
Chris "Isn't that true!"
Fucking a woman extremely rough and hard, usually delt out as a punishment for bad behavior .
My woman embarrassed me at my works holiday party so when we got home I put that Savage Pack on her.